Posts tagged platforms

Shoes to die for… or at least be crippled from

Every girl loves a stylish pair of heels to flaunt their legs. Designers have pushed the limits of high heels on the runway and this time, they’ve gone too far. Check out these crazy heels not even daredevils would attempt to walk in!

Two Heeled Shoes

If I ever want to look 3 inches taller, I would look no further. This pair of hybrid platform/heels shoes would do the trick. Try standing on your tippy toes with that!

The I Like To Torture Myself On Tippy Toes shoe
For the ballerina who just can’t master her moves or permanently disable her feet.

Half Shoe

I spoke too soon. This is the real deal! This shoe, if you can even call it that, forces you on your tippy toes all day. It looks more like a torture device than anything really. I thought shoes were suppose to protect your feet?

The Look Even Taller Shoe

And I thought the first shoe was tall. This one tests the limits of platform shoe. For the shorties out there, this is for you! Just don’t put your weight on your heels or you’ll never be able to stand again.

The Invisible Heel Shoe
The heel is there, just use your imagination! Inspired by “The Emperor’s New Clothes”, this heel will definitely turn heads… when you realize there is no heel and you fall backwards as visions of your life passes by.
invisible heel

How far would you go for fashion? Would you try wearing them out for a day? Tell me about it in the comments below!

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