Posts tagged large eyes

Asian gadgets to enlarge your eyes

You know how in many Asian countries believe that big eyes equals beauty? From eye tape to LED Eyelashes, check out my list of Asian gadgets that enlarges your eyes without surgery!

Eye Tape
eye tape
Heck ya, tape your eyelids to make those double eyelids, just like those Caucasians! For my single eyelid friends, I’ve bought myself a pack to show you how they create those double eyelids. Here’s my before and after! Am I dedicated or what?!

before and after eye tape
If you saw me in person, you’d totally see that I have tape on my eyes. Desperate, you say?

Eye Talk (Eye Glue)
eye glue
This is the same idea as the first where you’re making your eyelids stick in a way that it becomes double eyelids. But this time, you get to use glue and a fork! As your dedicated blogger, I also bought Eye Talk to test out. It’s not as easy as those youtube video makes it out to be so I’m not going to show you how I attempted to poke my eyes out. Instead, I’ll show you a video of how this model use Eye Talk to make various styles of eyelids (in high speed to trip you out)!

LED Eyelashes
led eyelashes
Apparently, LED lights will give people the illusion of larger eyes. The wearer can turn the lights on and off by tilting their head. Too bad they don’t shoot laser beams! Check it out in action!

Would you like to try enlarging your eyes? Which method would you choose? Let me know in the comments below!

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