Posts tagged lack of

Why Americans lack exercise

One of the most popular news topics is how Americans are suffering from the obesity epidemic. There are many reasons why that is and the most common thing is probably the super size fast foods they have over there and the lack of exercise. I don’t blame them really. After visiting the U.S. last month, I realized that it truly is hard to exercise in the U.S. Why? First, they invented the Heely’s where people can just roll around instead of walking.


Then while I was walking around Las Vegas, I saw moving sidewalks. Granted, this is a tourist area and maybe they want to enhance the experience a lot more without having you losing your breath. But nonetheless, it is made to accommodate those people who are slow and probably too lazy to walk down the hall.

moving sidewalk

But the greatest way to avoid using one’s energy has to be this one:
It’s the way of the future. I was walking through the mall and saw an rather plump security guard riding this. I sure felt safe since I knew he would outpace any criminal regardless of his physique. I can just picture everyone in 2 years riding one of these things on the streets.

So how many calories can Americans really burn when the U.S. works so hard to stop you from exercising?

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