Posts tagged kidsbeer

Drinks of bad taste

I keep coming back to the Japanese for their creativity and strange concoctions. Today, we examine some of the latest and greatest, not to mention, widely received, strange beverages on the Asian market.


Exactly what the name says, Kidsbeer is kid-friendly beer for the little people who can’t wait to join the ranks of major alcoholics like Lindsay Lohan. This brown coloured, frothy, non-alcholoc drink is packaged in a traditional glass beer bottle, just how the drinkers like it. The makers claim that children like to mimic adults — their inspiration behind this “practice beer”. Hey, like the manufacturer’s slogan says, “even kids cannot stand life unless they have a drink.”



A cute name to go with a “women’s drink”. The makers of bilk in Hokaiddo claims that this milk and beer combination has the sweetness that women find most appealing. I don’t know about that but this is probably the perfect drink to transition from Kidsbeer to beer beer!



Would you like a glass of cheese to go with your bilk? NEEDS rolled out 3 cheesy flavoured drinks to satisfy your cravings; they are plain, blueberry, and yuzu citrus. The makers say they is similar to yogurt but with a cheesy aftertaste. Perhaps it can work as a pizza dipping sauce as well?


Curry Soda and Wasabi Soda

Far from thirst quenching, these sodas are designed to burn your face off. Here is Japan’s most popular spicy soda drinks, Curry Soda and Wasabi Soda.


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