Archive for October, 2010

I need an iPhone 4 now… now!

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Are ereaders out? iPad knockoffs take over the world

Forgot about those black-and-white, non touch-screen eReaders because the next big thing is coming to a store near you! Behold, the gadgets I like to call “the iPad knockoffs”! As a bonus, they have clever names like the ePad, aPad, iRobot, iPed… well, you get the idea. They’ve been out for a while now but with the latest price drops, you’re looking at being able to own a knockoff at around $150 cad. They run on the Android system, same as the ones on Android phones, and can play games, view videos, and of course, read books in full colour — basically, it works like an iPad. Their touch-sensitive screen size range from 6-8 inches. As a bonus, the ones from China look exactly like the iPads, such as the one below.

The iRobot.

The downside is that they don’t have much tech support and wifi connections are quite weak according to reviews. They are, however, perfectly legal! But if you want something that comes with a full manufacturer’s warranty, you should probably consider the iPad or the Kobo/Sony eReader/Kindle. They cost about $100, lower if you catch them on sale. Chapters is selling their first gen Kobos at $99, Staples is selling the Sony eReaders at $100, and Amazon is selling the Kindle at $139. Though it’s a lot more affordable now, it does signal that they’re clearing out stock and replacing them with something better.

On a side note, I was looking at prices for a certain book and found that there’s only a 20 cent difference between the ebook version and the print version at Chapters.

What do you think? Are these things worth the money?

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Fight between elderly woman and teen in Korea

Here’s a little background. In Korea, young people are expected to respect elders no matter what. In this situation, the elderly woman got mad when the girl was sitting with her legs crossed. Her muddy shoes stained the woman’s dress and the woman got mad. Although the girl apologized, the woman lost her temper and started a little scruffle. Here’s a youtube video of this incident:

So what’s worse, the elderly woman still bound to traditions or the fact that no one on the subway intervened? Let me know in the comments below!

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