When technology and hygiene come together

Maintaining good hygienes is such a drag, why not let technology do our dirty work for us? Check out these gadgets that not only clean but entertain as well!

Air Shower

Those with pollen and dust allergyies will appreciate this one. The air shower system fluffs you up before you enter someone’s home while blowing dirt and pollen off your clothes with its twelve air cannons nozzles. Fun for the whole family!

Singing Toilet

The Japanese really know how to entertain. Their toilets have always had some interesting features like the fake flushing sound button that you can use to fake a flush. Today, toilets come with mp3 players to keep you jamming to your favorite tunes. It comes fully equiped with an SD card slot and a special receiver under the toilet seat – fun.

RSStroom Reader

Combine your daily news with your daily trips to the can with the RSStroom Reader from Taiwan’s Yi Tien Electronics. It is suppose to connect to your computer wirelessly and print random RSS posts onto your toilet paper for you to read and then … use, going right back into nature. Talk about environmentally friendly! (Note: This is probably some hoax but you have to admit it’s pretty creative).

Honorable Mention: Hair Bath Cap

Alright, so this one isn’t techie nor is it entertaining but I just had to put it in. Ever wanted to wash just your hair and nothing but your hair? Now you can with this amazing head bath cap! You just put it on your head and fill the cap with water. Apparently, it will help your hair grow longer faster too.

So what do you think? Stupid or genius? Entertaining or not? Let me know in the comments below!

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