Shameless Marketing by Coke

I was on trying to get some points to trade in for a magazine subscription when I stumbled upon this page talking about Diet Coke and implying that it’s a good substitution for water! I am shocked that Coke stooped so low that they’re promoting Diet Coke as a healthy drink. Caffeine Aspartame is NOT a healthy sugar substitute and mass consumption of it can lead to headaches and other side effects. As for hydration? They’re implying that it’s an easy way to hydrate. Of course it’s easy to drink — it’s just as easy to drink a bottle of water! At the end of the article, they decided to add a link to the The Beverage Institute of Health & Wellness to make them sound credible. It’s clearly under Coke if that coke swirl on the upper left hand corner or their about page don’t clue you in. Shameless marketing ploy I say!

On a side note, they have some awesome prizes… what to do? Should I side with the devil? Advise me in the comments below!

Excerpt from icoke:

Caffeine has Been Used Safely for Centuries
The slight bitterness of caffeine makes for a more complex and enjoyable beverage flavour. It’s an attribute that has made caffeine one of the most popular soft drink ingredients for over a hundred years. It’s also made caffeine one of the most studied food and beverage ingredients in the world. In fact, more than 140 countries have studied the safety of caffeine and endorse its use.

Aspartame in Diet Coke
Sweeteners like aspartame can play a key role in any sensible diet. Its sweet taste delivers the sugar-like flavour experience we crave. But unlike sugar, aspartame is extremely low in calories, which makes it a very effective weight-loss and maintenance tool. Aspartame is approved for use in more than 100 countries around the world.

Stay hydrated with Diet Coke
One of the easiest ways to improve your overall health is to drink more fluid. Why? Because your body is constantly losing water — through your breath as you exhale, and through your skin as perspiration (especially if you lead an active, physical lifestyle). Maintaining proper hydration is essential to staying healthy and performing your best. So go ahead…grab a Diet Coke and top yourself up.

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