Vending Machines of Japan

Do you hate interacting with sales people and cashiers? Do you hate people overall? Are you allergic to sunlight? The corporate monsters have come out with a machine that will help you avoid daylight and people overall. I present to you the vending machines of Japan and this time, they don’t only dispense drinks!

Egg Vending Machine
egg vending machine
Do you ever find yourself running out of eggs at 3 in the morning? I haven’t but I’m sure somebody in the world has. That’s why the Japanese came up with a vending machine to sell eggs 24 hours a day. You’ll be ready for early morning breakfast in no time! Sorry, no refunds if the eggs crack on the way down.

Umbrella Vending Machine
umbrella vending machine
Oh no, it’s raining and you forgot your umbrella again! Count on the Japanese to bring you an umbrella vending machine! What? $12US for an umbrella? Screw you! Time for the dollar store!

Hot Ramen Vending Machine
ramen vending machine
After shopping for vending machines, it’s time for a little snack. I’m feeling for some instant noodles. Mmmm, machine made instant noodles.

Toilet Paper Vending Machine
toilet paper vending machine
I’m peacefully doing my business in the washroom when… Oh crap! There’s no toilet paper in the stalls! No worries, there’s a toilet paper vending machine outside! But wait, how am I going to buy it? HOW? DAMN IT!

Beer Vending Machine
beer vending machine
Underaged? Don’t worry about getting the sketchy man in the dark alley to help. There’s a beer vending machine around and ID is not required!

Porn Vending Machine
porn vending machine
Underaged still and needing a little entertainment? Meet the porn machine with pornography ranging from $18-$30US for your viewing pleasure.

Used Underwear Vending Machine
used underwear
Don’t worry, Japan hasn’t forgotten those pedophiles (or that sketchy man in the dark alley). Here’s a variety of school girl “used” underwear for their… entertainment. *cringe* (Yes, it does say cigarette. That’s because it used to be a cigarette machine until they found out pedophiles outnumber the smokers in the area.)

Beetle Vending Machines
beetle vending machine
And Japan hasn’t forgotten those cute little boys who have a fascination with pet bugs! The Rhinoceros Beetles are on sale all day and night alive. Male beetles are apparently more fun so they’re 300 yen while the female ones are only 100 yen. Kids will never be lonely again unless the beetles died during the tumbling out of the vending machine stage.

Now remember everyone, vending machines may be fun and all but social interaction is just as important. Try going into a store once in a while to greet your friendly neighbourhood salesman. He needs to keep his job.

If you had a vending machine, what would it sell? Share you dream vending machine in the comments below!

Source: (Check here for more crazy vending machines!)

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3 Responses so far »

  1. 1

    PandaPon said,

    ahahahhaha this is hilarious!!! xD
    I gotta admit that the Japanese always come up with the craziest thing. Oh don’t forget the 500Y tiny erotic action figure that comes with tiny playtoy!!!

  2. 2

    Aimee said,

    LOL. wow. this is fascinating.

  3. 3

    Maryanna said,

    Wow thanks for posting about all those vending machines. How gross is the used panties one.

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